
February memorial

Van Cliburn 1935-2013

Although I don't know you, but thanks for bring us some cheerful sounds into this world.
Hope you rest in peace.

Julia Zanes



When I think of Zerizus I picture the scenario where a mother asks her son to bring her a glass of milk, and he runs to the fridge, gets her a glass of milk and brings it to her right away. I also think of “Danny three times” where the child had to hear things 3 times before he listened. But I realized there’s more to zerizus than doing what we’re told right away.

Zerizus is actually a fundamental building block in doing mitzvos and leading a productive life. I once wrote about how organization and cleanliness helps you be productive. But there’s still something more needed, and that’s Zerizus. Zerizus tells you to do something without delay, to do it at the first possible chance.

Usually, when you plan to do something, your excited about it in the beginning because its a new thing, that is the time when you are supposed to act upon it. I remember in HS I was always good about it, when girls would say we had to bring in money for a school function, I would be the first to bring it in the next day. Because it was fresh on my mind, so why not do it right away.

If you keep up to date with all you have to do, then you will always continue to do things right away.
If however, you figure that you’ll do it later, the next day, so as not to seem over eager, then you will forget about it. Then when you plan on doing another thing, you don’t do that either, cause you know you still have something unfinished to do.

Lately, I feel as though I have so much unfinished tasks to do, that it just pulls me down and doesn’t allow me to be productive. So the key is to try to get them all done, and to do each task right away as its given, not to let things pile up.

When I’m in class, and I’m given HW, I think that I can’t wait to do it, I understood the class, so the HW should be fun to do. I want to do it right when I get home. But then what happens, things get in the way, and I think to myself I still have time, its not due till 2 weeks from now. But then 2 weeks later I’m sitting to do my HW, and I have lost the enthusiasm to do it, its no longer fresh in my mind.
I will get myself to do it though.

So this all comes back to zerizus, how amazing the Mitzvah is, such a great common sense mitzvah. Do things right away, and you will be ahead of the game, accomplishing the most.

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Jean David

boats of jewish immigrants hamaapilim



so, who I'm trying to cheat with?

I took a day-off, stay at home for all day. Yes, one day before the audition.
(I would like to defination it is "performance.") I'm feeling not well today, probably got the flu from other people. All my body aches especially in right shoulder through the hand.

Just like back to the summer/winter vacation, I followed by my own biological clock, don't care about the people, sunrise/sunset, festival, and the outside real world that much.
I back to my isolated and elusive life. The worst thing is- I'm so fucking enjoy that.

I did everything slowly, nicely, and elegantly. Trying to pretend that I have nothing left but time.
Like a greedy pioneers, I'm desperately want more spiritual shock by the other similarity people.
They do really exist in the same world; However, to a certain degree, we cannot develop
something real between us. We always have to find a bridge to be connected by other people which are more neutral, normal, or bored.

ok, the medicine I took working now.
Let's forget about everything, like what you've said, we should forget.