the surreal magic of an invented world full of symbolisms
By Joan Lluís Montané
Joselito Sabogal expresses the capacity of the symbol to recreate a
world of allegorical appearances, using personages who have an elaborated
character, emblematic, by the different thing that is, formed from extrapolating
its contents, its souls, trasmutando forms, adopting animals as if they
were human personages, feminine figures as if they were symbols.
he constructs a symbolic, surreal world, in which the drawing is
fundamental. It outlines details, it emphasizes the outlines that
define faces, looks for to shape an animistic world, of spirits, of yearnings,
feelings and establishments.
The landscape is circumstantial, serves to him as drop curtain of
bottom to recreate in the idea. Its painting is elegant, sensual, elaborated from
the mental universes, of the states of the conscience. It confronts the
symbol from the perspective of the complexity, introducing several concepts
that come together in outlining a work arisen clearly from the world of the
dreams, that is product of the automatism but also of the mind opened
to the most overflowing imagination and the reflection nonfree of irony.
He establishes keys, tracks that help us to unravel the pictorial
I hear songs, I state musical notes, I contemplate work that seems to
float between scores, while the yearnings and desires follow there,
persistently located in the thematic one. Yearnings that are like sparks that jump
at night in half and which they are product of the accumulated energy by
its personages.
Yearnings, dreams that leave from a subconscious world, which they are
autentifican to themselves, that they develop an own iconography,
symbolic, allegorical, iconic, constructed, founded very well on the parameters
of desire.
In an unreal world, formed by beings who are half men half animals,
with landscapes that do not exist more than in their essential forms, trees
that are geometries, skies that are walls, forms in the space that have
replaced the clouds, earth that are soaked of shade, all it in line with the
sensation to be floating, to be weightlessness in the heat of, to
harness the surreales aspects.
Cultivator of the discipline of the drawing, presents to us his
facility in using the color by zones, here and there, nourishing shades, expressing
He looks for with eagerness the negative pole that, in its case, is in
the positive pole, closely together of him.
There are shades, extrapolations of the light, absence of diaphanous
luminosity, contrasting with the expressive treatment of the color, but
limiting range, to accentuate the magical symbolisms, that are based in
the onirismo and the acceptance of the subconscious mind like producing
machine of dreams.
The opposite poles are like own science, both necessary for the
reactions physical-chemistries. The dance of opposed is transformed into
establishment of an essential evidence to nourish the base of all trajectory.
He dreams in a magical world, in a succession of images in which the
true essence is the own mitificación.
He presents personages who are authentic, that has a very effective
personality. Always they are accompanied by the color, as foundation
of an evidence that generates freedom.
But he does not interest the chromatic explosividad to him, to
accentuate the personality of its composition, beings and elements that nourish
What it really tries is to show without theatricalities, without using
excessive efectismos nor technical resources, by means of the austere
color,the fundamental elements that they introduce to us in the dynamics of
the surreal magicismo.
Joan Lluis Montane
Of the Association the Critical International
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